
アルヴィン トフラーの提言



                                           力を出せば出すほど力は身についてきます。  知恵も出せば出すほど知恵がついてきます。  なんでも練習すればするほどうまくなります。  怠けると体力も気力も衰えていきます。  人に尽くせば尽くすほど信用がついてきます。  犠牲を犠牲と思わず尽くしていると信頼されます。  まごころは尽くせば尽くすほど、その人のまごころは本物になります。  苦労をすればするほど、苦労を苦労とは思わなくなります。  感謝は、すればするほど喜び上手になって美しくなります。  恩返しは、すればするほど運が良くなります。  恩返しをする人は頭もボケることはありません。

English version(MP3)

God Brings Luck

For people with luck, everything goes on as they want,
and their efforts are rewarded.
People without luck, however they make efforts, the result is miserable.
Some people don’t have chance to make their efforts.
No one beats lucky people.

Lucky people have a common point.
They are good at expressing pleasure.
They think optimistic and praise their partners and their news
all their heart even if it’s a small thing.

There are 2 ways of pleasure: one is the pleasure of themselves,
the other is the pleasure of their partners.

People with strong desire and egoism are glad to their good news,
but they don’t think other people and their news.
Also, these people don’t like other peoples’ success story
because they are not considerate to other people.

The people who can praise other peoples’ success with all their heart
are kind to other people.
If God give people luck, who does God give the luck?